Karate Canada welcomes personal expressions of interest or the identification of individuals who are capable and willing to serve the organization in a volunteer capacity. It should be noted that the KC Board is a Strategic Board, not an Operational Board. It is concerned with how KC proceeds forward to achieve its goals vs. the day-to-day operations for which the board is not involved. The KC Board is not a Representational Board. In other words, individual members do not represent any group or sector. Rather, it is a Strategic Board composed of passionate Canadians with expertise in the various fields of knowledge necessary to ensure the proper stewardship of KC. These fields include, but are not limited to medicine, academia, ethics, law, education, sport, policy development, corporate and/or financial management, accounting, marketing, philanthropy, and governance. In addition to expertise, when considering nominations for the Board of Directors and appointments to working groups and committees, consideration is also given to a variety of other factors such as gender, sport and/or high-performance athletic experience, culture, language capability, region of residence, ethnicity and other factors that reflect Canadian diversity.
Individuals who submit their nomination should also attach a resume or curriculum vitae as well as a cover letter explaining what competencies they feel they bring to the KC Board of Directors and outline special areas of interest that they may have.
Individuals who submit their nomination should be independent and should not owe a fiduciary duty or obligation to any Provincial or Territorial karate federation.
Individuals who submit their nomination should be free from Conflict of Interest regarding the ability to make decisions in the best interest of Karate Canada.
Individuals who submit their nomination must be willing to become a signatory and proponent of Abuse Free Sport as well as complete training modules for governance and diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Call for Nominations for Election of Directors at 2023 Annual General Meeting being held Sunday, Oct 1, 2023.
The following positions will be elected:
Vice President (1-year term)
Athlete Director (3-year term)
Director at Large (3- year term)
Director at Large (3-year term)
Director at Large (1-year term)
Nominations for all 5 positions must:
Include the written consent of the nominee by signed signature.
Include the written support of five (5) registrants by signed signature.
Be submitted to the Head Office of the Corporation on or before Sept 18, 2023.
Please complete and return the Nomination Form to Karate Canada by email, no later than Sept 18,2023. Please email and please