Notice of Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL MEETING of KARATE CANADA will be held as follows:
Date: Saturday, Sept 28th, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM to approx. 8:00 PM (EST)
Medium: Web Conference Meeting (link and password will be provided via email in advance of the meeting)
For the following purposes:
1. To adopt the minutes of the previous (2023) Annual General Meeting;
2. To receive the reports of the Directors and any other person that the Directors determine shall or may make a report;
3. To receive the Treasurer / Finance Committee’s report and the financial statements;
4. To appoint an auditor for the ensuing fiscal year; and
5. There are currently five (5) positions available for a three (3) year term, including four (4) positions of Director to be voted on by the Membership and one (1) position of Director elected by the athletes. The following caveats also apply:
a. The Director voted on by the athletes cannot be male. (KC bylaws have 2 Athlete Directors, that cannot be the same gender).
b. A minimum of 2 Directors of the remaining 4 cannot be male. (KC bylaws cannot have more than 60% of one gender).
c. Of the remaining 4 positions, no nominations can be accepted from Ontario due to geographical considerations. (KC bylaws do not allow for more than 3 Directors from one province, not including the 2 Athlete Directors).
Karate Canada_Call for Nominations_2024 AGM
Also included for the AGM Agenda.
Karate Canada will provide its members with the following documents in advance of the AGM:
1. Karate Canada Financial Statements (March 31st, 2024)
2. Minutes from the 2023 AGM
3. Committee and administrator reports
4. Participant numbers
5. Motions pertaining to Bylaw amendment(s), if applicable
6. Board nomination instructions