Words from the President
Here is a recent statement from Karate Canada’s President Mr. Craig Vokey:
To the membership of Karate Canada.
Firstly I would like to congratulate all involved on the fantastic success of the recent Karate Canada National Championships. Over 500 people participated from all 10 provinces including 375 athletes (530 entries), 67 officials, 44 coaches as well as numerous support staff and volunteers and I could not have been happier with the deportment of all involved and the atmosphere of collegiality that persisted throughout the entire event. It is a testament to the professionalism of all involved that such a large event appeared so seamless.
I would also like to thank the Sheraton Hotel, the Richmond Oval, the city of Richmond and Karate BC for their efforts in ensuring the success of the event and for the support given to Karate Canada. Thanks also go to Mr. Seiji Okada, General Counsel for Japan in Vancouver; Minister Amrik Virk, BC Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services and Mr. John Yap, MLA for Richmond-Steveston for taking time out of their very busy schedules to speak words of welcome and encouragement at the opening ceremonies and also to Ms. Jacquie Dawes, Deputy Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development for attending our event. I would like to congratulate the many medalists and look forward to meeting those attending the First Senior National Training Camp to be held shortly in Toronto. A special note of congratulations to the many Coaches who used the opportunity afforded by the NCCP Program to successfully upgrade their Competition Development Certifications and also to the many Officials who continue to volunteer their time, year after year, to professionally and impartially judge the youth of our sport. The last word of thanks, however, goes to the many parents across the country who support our sport by investing their time, energy and resources into their children to attend not only National and International events, but also local, regional and provincial events as well as the many Provincially and Territorially recognized Dojo across the country. There is a cost to sport in Canada that we are all keenly aware of.
This year promises to be a momentous year for Karate Canada with the lead up to the announcement for Tokyo 2020. With the anticipation of increased opportunities for our sport will also come increased oversight and ever increasing monitoring from our funding partners. Regardless of direction, Karate Canada will continue to use its core principles and values as outlined in its Strategic Plan to guide its decisions, namely: Our people and members always come first; We are driven by excellences in everything we do; We believe in the power of the Team; We are driven by high ethical standards. Beyond our core principles I would state that a National Federation is only as strong as its Provincial and Territorial affiliates. It is my hope that at all levels of governance we will achieve improved communication, collaboration and program alignment for the betterment of Karate in all parts of Canada.
Craig Vokey